There have been a few times where I've looked at images by other artist and wondered how did they do that. I've been drawing since I was a kid and there are still things that I can't figure out. Sometimes a magazine will give a secret which helps me a lot. I realize then that I wasn't losing my touch in the creative process. I think all artist look at their earlier work and you either like it or you hate it. Sometimes its so good you wonder why can't you do it now? You begin to question your ability and whether or not you are any good.
Like all things in our world its become easier to create different things if we wish to buy a program that shows us how to do it. The shortcuts if you will. It may take some skill to learn the program and its still art, but I prefer to create it myself with my hands. Every now and then I may use the paint program to color a drawing just to see how it will come out.
Recently I discovered a drawing I had done back in 1981. The drawing is called Halloween. It was actually done on Halloween that afternoon. Back then I was recording times on my drawings with the date. The paper was beginning to fade and tear around the edges. After Katrina I had left many drawings on the walls. When I took them out of the discolored matting I just rolled them up. They were just stored in my studio closet and I didn't do anything with them until yesterday. I decided I liked this drawing too much to just photograph it and toss it in the trash. It measured 17 x 22. I had a frame that was 16 x 20. I decided the focal point of the drawing is the eyes and the lips. That's what I would make sure came through in the matting. I decided to use some markers and pencils to bring out the colors and make them pop through the frame. I was so thrilled that I decided to do this. I like the way the image turned out and now its hanging on my wall of my new home.
I need to go through more of my drawings to see how they are holding up. Some are in tubes and some are in portfolios. I'm trying to declutter, but when it comes to my art it is hard to part with something that means so much.
Thanks for stopping by and do come again. Remember, keep an open mind.