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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Painting Your Dream, Dream Your Painting

Every now and then I have those days where I reflect on my life. I am at a point which some people call a fork in the road. I’ve had many forks before, but now I don’t find myself as adventurous. I don’t seem to take as many risks. Perhaps it has something to do with age or that I’m just afraid.

This morning I woke with this great idea for a sketch which will then become a drawing or a painting. Right before I go to sleep I may get an idea. Sometimes I’ll have a dream and then like this morning it happens before I get out of bed. I keep my journal nearby, but sometimes the thought vanishes and then I have to wait for it to resurface. There are times when my thoughts are really dreams. I think I am awake; I’m really asleep.

In the dream I may be writing or drawing and it seems so real. When I wake I let it go because I believe I’ve captured the moment. In reality it wasn’t  real and I can only hope my brain takes me back.
The brain is an incredible mechanism that we will never fully understand. Like everything else, people probe and experiment, but we are all individuals and we think differently, react differently, even when we may get the same result. The process that gets us there is not the same.

There is something that goes on in some of our brains that tells us at a certain age we are supposed to act a certain way. Then there are those that seem to defy that voice telling them such.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind and do come back again to see where the journey leads.

Check out my other blog for more insight.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Austin Pride 2013

I recently saw that this entry never posted. So I've decided to post it now.

Austin had its pride event last week and on Saturday they had a parade.

I decided to use this as an opportunity to get some pictures.

 I’m still working on my skills of nighttime photography.

 Moving objects would be a bigger challenge.

The above are a few images from that Saturday night.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind and do come back again.

Happy Mardi Gras

 (This is one of my favorite photographs. She just posed perfectly.)

The Art of Mardi Gras can be found in the imagination of the people who put together the themes.
 (From the Krewe of Endymion)

From the concept, to costumes and the final presentation.
(Another float from the Krewe of Endymion)

Here are a few images from past Mardi Gras' in New Orleans.
 (A little history of Rex which is called the King of Carnival. I think I photographed this at the New Orleans Historic collection, but it could have been a Mardi Gras exhibit at The Mint.)

Check out my other blog for more images.