I first met Coca in 2009. I am not a big fan of drag. I guess mainly because its people lip sinking. Even an artist doesn’t always get particular art forms. I do remember watching Jim Bailey on various shows doing what he did, but he considered himself an illusionist. It was a well deserved title as he brought the dead back to life with his Judy Garland performance and he was great as Barbara Streisand.

(It starts with the face. Doesn't matter what someone does, if I am going to photograph them they have to have a face.)
I think the other reason I wasn’t a big fan is because it all looked the same. Maybe I was too young to understand it.
In 2005 I was in Louisville, Kentucky and a friend took me to one of those competitions. I wish I had brought my camera, but I didn’t know it that was allowed. I saw some of the best performances I had ever seen. A lot of the performers did their own singing and they were really performing. There were a few performances that were just incredible. One performer did Janet Jackson, another did Tina Turner and a group did their version of Queen’s Bohemian Rapsody which if I had to select a winner it would have been them. They presented the song as if Edward Scissorhands were the boy. This was beyond drag, this was illusion.
This where my fascination with Coca comes in. After talking I decided I’d like to try to do a video of the transformation process. I’ve always been interested in why some people do what they do and how they get ready. Of course Coca is outstanding and does sing as well. These are only a few still shots as most of my time with Coca is shooting video footage.

(Performing Stevie Nicks' Bombay Saphire at a benefit at the Golden Lantern bar in New Orleans.)
(Below you’ll find links to my videos which should lead you to find videos that I shot of Coca.)
My project with Coca is on going. Every time I go to New Orleans I try to shoot some video. We still have to work on an interview and I am going to have to reshoot the transformation process. That’s art, sometimes its never completed. We learn to work with what we have.

(Coca as Lucille Ball doing that famous vitamin sketch.)
Coming up: Jack, The Story behind the photograph (Celebs)
Thanks for stopping by; and keep an open mind.
Check out some of my art at Bluecanvas.com/Oznol. Some of these are for sale. Remember Artist Trading Cards (ATC) are available simply by asking. Send an email with ATC in the subject and I can email one to you.
While you’re here, why not become a follower (fan).
Taking it one day at a time and keep the faith.
Check back and see where this journey leads. Check out the links below to my other blogs and videos.
The above link is a video for an organic flutist in New Orleans.
The above is a link of a performance from Oz in New Orleans.
The above link is for a promo of a DJ in New Orleans.
Computer generated music.