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Saturday, August 13, 2022

One Entry 3 Blogs/Photos from my phone

 Originally this was going to be an entry and I must have had some computer problems so the pictures never got posted. I am using them now just to add some visuals.

Random shots while out and about.

One entry three blogs
It has been a while and I keep trying to do better, but one blog takes more of the focus than the others. There's not a lot happening in my life other than work and watching films, movies and some old television. 
I am trying to figure out my finances because I need to get some much needed repairs done that I have put off far too long. With all of the heat, it seems, I can't be sure, but since I don't keep the central air on the fridge may have been working over time. This is what I heard, but I am not sure. The fridge of course has been here since I purchased the place and who knows how long before that? So it's been 15 years since I have been here and it'll be 17 years in a few weeks that I have been in Texas. I may have mentioned this many years ago. This was never my plan, but it just goes to show you there are things working along side of us that guide us where we are supposed to be even when we don't know it. It's when we try to go against those things that we get into trouble. That's my belief anyway.
So last week I stocked up on groceries because I didn't know how high the prices would be and now that may have been a waste of money as the freezer hasn't been freezing and that means its all going to go bad. I am going to check out Lowes, but I still have to wait to have it delivered when I will be home. So I am at least looking at another week. I don't want to take off from work just to spend the day waiting around. I will eat as much as I can this weekend and then I will go to can stuff if I think certain items have gone bad. If I weren't so afraid to be around people I would cook what I have and invite them over to eat it. At the same token if something has already gone bad, I don't want to be the cause of someone getting sick. 
This is what I get for putting things off. Now there are things that must be done and they are all happening at once.
I am going to start reading Film studies for Dummies as I am trying to see if I can create something. I also need to research film editing programs for my phone. The phone has some very cool features, but if I can't do voice over and editing on the phone with background music then its not going to be very entertaining. When I watch videos on youtube I don't like them to be longer that 12 or 15 mintues tops. Unless the person is very interesting I might tolerate it a little longer, but for the most part they are all amateurs that happen to find a following of people who like them because they come across as the average person and people want someone they can relate too. After all, that is why I subscribe to a few channels because of that. Most of the time I will skip to what I need to see and move on. That's the beauty of the Internet, you don't have to be bored if you don't want to be.
I have watched many movies this week along with episodes of Dallas and The Leftovers. Dallas is a series from the 70's and The Leftover is something from 2014. When I picked up the DVD I saw Christopher Eccelston on the back cover and I hadn't seen him in a lot of stuff, but when I saw his face I figured I would give it a look see. It has religious over tones and Eccelston plays a minister. The first time I ever saw him was  when Dr Who returned after many years, he was the first doctor. I had no idea he would only do one season. It took me a while too get used to the next doctor, but I managed and I was hooked as long as PBS was running it.
 Justin Theroux is the star of the series The Leftovers as the lead cop in the small town as the residents try to wrap their heads around the people that have gone missing. It's interesting, but it is rather slow in getting me to really care for any of the characters. They all have their issues, but they are over the top. Those that have disappeared are being celebrated as heroes when their pasts was very questionable and it doesn't set right with some of the community members.
There are many films and movies as I've mentioned including Triple 9 and The Take. Triple 9 has an all star cast including Chiwetel Ejiofor, Anthony Mackie, Casey Affleck, Clifton Collins, Jr, Aaron Paul, Norman Reedus, Michael Kenneth Williams, Gal Gadot, but the surprise performance comes from Woody Harrelson and Kate Winslet, they are really really good. Kate's role was very different from those she has played in the past.
Here are some other films and movies I've watched. I apologize in advance if I have mentioned some of them before. I have like Crispin Glover ever since I saw The Rivers Edge and then I have seen most of what he has done. I've never read any of his books, but I was interested in trying to see if his publishing company would publish some of mine. Crispin stars in Drop Dead Sexy along side Jason Lee. Crispin always seems to play those unusual characters.
Independence Day Resurrgence was okay, it was good to see some of the original faces pop up, Vivica A. Fox, Jeff Goldblum, Judd Hirsh and Pill Pullman to name a few.
TAG was a fun movie based on an article about friends who continued to play the game of tag throughout their adult life.
Life Like was interesting about a woman who is trying to embrace the future of technology as she tries to adjust to having a life like male robot doing the work around the house among other things.
The Purge: Anarchy. I am not sure how many Purge movies there are, but I have now become obsessed with seeing them. I just pick them up as I see them when I go to the library. They don't really have to be watched in any particular order after you see the original first. Anarchy touches on Donald Talbot being president as the Government has declared The Purge a holiday to get rid of certain people.
The Escape Artist stars David Tennant who was the next Dr Who that I saw and he just grew on me. In this series he plays a Barrister that is very good at what he does. It's interesting with some good moments.
The Take, forget about Idris Elba playing James Bond. Turn The Take into a franchise. The character is much more of a badass than Bond anyway. He plays a CIA agent that plays by his own rules in Paris. Richard Madden costars who is also very good.
Unchartered was quite the suprise. Ever since I saw Tom Holland in Impossible I knew he would be a start, but I wasn't anticipating him becoming Spiderman, but he has the knack for comedic timing. Unchartered in a non stop action packed film with a great cast that includes Mark Whalberg, Tati Gabriel and Sophie Ali and Antonio Banderas. If you like any of the stars mentioned you are definitely going to enjoy this one. If you love action and adventure this has that and so much more.
Wolf was a bit of a disturbing movie starring George MacKay as a young man who believes he is a wolf. His family sends him to a facility that tries to break him of his habits. It makes a statement of how society always needs to put people into a box that they feel comfortable with. Paddy Considine plays the Zoo keeper as the facility is called.
Boot Camp was something I watched on Prime starring Mila Kunis, Regine Nehy and Gregory Edward Smith. In this gritty drama based on a true story during a time when parents were sending their wayward teens to tough love camps to put them on the right track. The kids are brought to an island and in a cult like fashion taught to get rid of their old ways and conform to what the leader feels is the appropriate behavior. It's quite good.
Time to work on some art and to watch more films and movies.
Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind and do come back again to see where the journey leads.

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