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Saturday, October 3, 2020

Playing it by Ear


( A drawing that was in progress at the time of this photo.)

Well here we are in October. I had planned to make a post before September ended, but that didn't happen. I'm trying to come up with a plan as to what I want to do. I have a list which includes everything from creating an income to making repairs and getting organized which has been an ongoing project.

I can't stop and evaluate everything before I throw it out. There are some things that I want to hold on to for research; sentimental value, but there's other stuff that needs to go and can go without hesitation. How mmany art books do I need? How many fashion magazines? How many home decor books, etc.?  It sounds easy enough, but it really isn't. I look at all of the art supplies and I have to ask myself will I use an item? When will I use the item? There is no real time line. I like creating art when the mood hits. Somethings, like greeting cards I may start, but until I know exactly who the card will go to I can't finish it. Most of my cards are made for the individual.

I have hundreds of pencils of different brands and varieties. Many bottles and tubes of paints. Crayons, pastels, charcoal and paper, lots and lots of paper.

Books on photography, art, films, writing, screenplays, stageplays. Everything that I could possibly need.

I was moving some furniture last week and I injured my back. I knew that would probably happen, but I had to do it. I probably shouldn't have moved as many large pieces in one day as I did. I thought I was doing it correctly, but when you get older and stretch those muscles, you pay the price. I'm blaming it on the furniture, but it could have been the files in which I had to bend over to move magazines. I'll try to take it easy this week and see how long it takes to get back in shape. 

I am hoping to start exercising again on a regular basis. This is something I have to do. I need to get back on a healthier diet. I do my best, but from time to time I will splurge on a few things. I have to start slow and stay consistent. If I had more things to keep me busy things might be different. When I had somewhere to go I was more active then I am now. It does bother me, but I have to take it easy and think things through.

I was trying to get into that frame of mind of getting some work, but now I have to think about being in a place for more than an hour and the germs that could be floating around. The only way to really be safe is if I figure out a way to work from home.

I was thinking of setting up my photography studio. I have been trying to write, but I'd have to pick up the pace to generate any money from that. I could try to sell my art on Etsy or Ebay. The opportunities are there, I just have to figure out what is best for me. Just have to take things one day at a time. This is not a place I ever thought I would be in at this stage of my life, but neither was anything else I've experienced in the last 20 plus years. So, what's new? We learn and we move on. Navigating life is an adventure sometimes of epic proportions.

I want to start getting the blog format together as I am going to combine all four blogs and that way you can just visit one location, but they will all have the same content. It makes it easier on me. The poetry, the art, the movies and the window into my everyday will all be one.

(Local musician I photographed last year)

I wrote this poem earlier in the year.

Co Vid

by Dlonzo (c) 2020

There is an unfamilarity in the air

along with the smell of hand sanitizer,

bleach and other disenfectants

It doesn't seem fair

To shelter in place

to cover the face

to stay safe

Life can seem unfair

during a time of a crisis

some get help, some don't

some too much, others not enough

Businesses closing doors, shutting down

Out of work, unemployment, furlough

Food lines, school closures

This is not normal

What is normal?

Was there ever normal

a term created 

to feel comfort?

Language, another beast to battle.

Stay inside, if you go outside

wear a mask, cover your face.

Shelter in place,

stay safe.

(Next up: What's in your bubble?)

Thanks for stopping by; Keep an open mind. Do return to see where the journey leads.

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