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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Virtual Holidays


We are all having to make adjustments, but virtual holidays? I know for some it will be difficult. I haven't seen my family in over 7 years so I'm sure I'll get through this. I have only seen one friend since the pandemic and I'm not really comfortable with having people at the house and being around people for longer than an hour does concern me.

Life in general is a risk, but never could we have thought that being around people we like would be a matter of life or death. There are many families that wouldn't be able to do a virtual holiday as they may not have the internet. The best one can do is talk on the phone or face time if you have a smart phone. There is also something called Duo which I have not used.

I was thinking of inviting a cousin over for dinner this year, but I don't know how that will work out. The dining table is large enough that we can social distance while we eat. We would have to wear masks on the drive to my home.

Halloween will be the first test of a virtual holiday as if people didn't already try this for the 4th of July or Labor day. Of course now we are in a dire situation that we must get this virus under control again. You would think with all the technology something like this wouldn't have happened. With so much information roaming the social media sites and the internet did someone over look a person talking about a virus? People are so quite to share crap and when something is important no one does anything.

(Do nothing, Say nothing)

The housewives of something and keeping up with other people are more important things. I get that you don't want to wear a mask, because it irritates you or you can't breathe or you don't look good, but it could save your life or the people around you. I don't spend a lot of time online. I watch the local news, world news and sometimes I catch the BBC World news on PBS. Although I don't have cable I do get other stations that I use as an escape when I don't feel like watching a movie in my collection. Watching the same stories of idiotic people who don't believe in anything is just frustrating. I get it. If you don't know anyone who is going through something you just don't believe what you are seeing is real. It's the world we have created. So much of reality shows are based upon drama created by alcohol that people think everything they see on TV is not real. Until it happens in their home or family they just turn the other cheek.

We can blame the beginning of the virus on the Government, but now we have to switch the blame because most of us know what is going on. We know people who have come down with the virus. This is not a joke. CoVid 19 is real. Reality television has made a lot of people oblivious to what is happening in the world. After all, we have a reality star running the country.

We also have the internet that spits out conspiracy theories via tweets, posts and memes. It's all so confusing for some people to figure out what is real and what is fake.

Earlier in the week I saw a documentary called Driving While Black. I didn't know that was the title until later. It was on PBS and what caught my eye as I was channel surfing was that it was talking about New Orleans. It was talking about the interstate and what it did for black people in the ways of travel. It had good results and bad results. On the good side it made it easier for people of color to travel without having to go down those back roads and deal with racists. On the bad side it displaced more people of color than whites in the city. I was too young to really know what was going on. I didn't know if people didn't get the proper value of their property. I remember when I-610 was built my aunt was affected by it. She didn't have to get out of her house, but it was modified from a double to a single, but it was really a cool house when they finished. It was always fun to be their with my cousins. So much changes when people don't use their voice.

Today I begin 60 2 60, in sixty days I will be turning 60 years old. I can't believe it. I want to workout more and get my body in better shape, but as we age it's easier to write about than to do. Now that I've over come the back issue, I don't want to injure it again. I know which exercises work best for me, but if I don't get up early I don't always follow through with exercise. That will have to change. I will have to give myself more than enough time to exercise and to run errands since I like to get out of the house early.

This morning I allowed myself to leave the house after 11 A.M. I just needed to get out and feel the sun on my skin. It was getting hot already which is another good reason to get out of the house early.

Thanks for stopping by; Keep an open mind. Do return to see where the journey leads.

(Next up: More on Virtual Holidays and inside my bubble)

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